At the Moog Center, it is our mission to teach children who are deaf or hard of hearing to talk and to teach others to do it too. We strive to give parents, families, and professionals the support they need to help their children develop spoken language and achieve success. Our expert staff of listening and spoken language specialists has developed a variety of resources, including monthly language calendars and activities, informational webinars, and video demonstrations. We invite parents, families, and professionals to use these tools to help their children reach their ultimate potential.
Language Calendar
The Language Calendar is a monthly publication from the Moog Center for parents, caregivers, and professionals. Each Calendar is carefully crafted by listening and spoken language professionals. The result is a fun daily calendar to use all month long, packed with seasonal activities which help encourage vocabulary and language development.
Activity of the Month
The Activity of the Month is a monthly publication from the Moog Center for parents, caregivers, and professionals. Each Activity provides ideas for language stimulation to use during fun activities with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Sample language is listed for each of the five TASL-II levels, which correspond with the levels of language development (see TASL-II for more information about language levels and development).
Early Intervention Series
The Moog Center is pleased to introduce a new series of virtual learning sessions for Early Intervention providers, to be presented throughout the 2024-2025 school year from 7:00-8:00 p.m. CT.
Evening Informational Series
A series of virtual learning sessions for professionals and parents, to be presented throughout the 2024-2025 school year at 7:00 p.m. CT. This series of workshops is a great opportunity for professionals, parents, family members, and general community members to learn about a variety of topics related to supporting children who are deaf or hard of hearing. AG Bell and ASHA CEUs are pending.
TASL-II Resources
The TASL-II is an improved version of the TASL, developed in 1998 at the Moog Center. The TASL-II is designed to assist teachers when analyzing and assessing syntax and provides suggestions for focusing on the development of language. This revised and updated version provides additional information for clarification and allows for better understanding of the intent of the TASL and how to use it.
Word Lists
The Moog Center has developed three word lists to guide vocabulary instruction, including the First 100 Words, the Next 150 Words, and the Following 300 Words. Each word list includes commonly occurring vocabulary within categories such as Animals, Body Parts, Clothes, Food, Toys, School Items, Verbs, Adjectives, Prepositions, and more.
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